Zilda Arns

Home Goodwill Ambassadors

Ambassador of Instituto Trata Brasil since its creation in 2007, Zilda Arns was a pediatrician and sanitarist, founder of Pastoral da Criança and Pastoral da Pessoa Idosa and of Social Action bodies of the CNBB (National Conference of Brazilian Bishops). Dr Zilda Arns joined the struggle of Instituto Trata Brasil and has always fought for the engagement of the medical class and health professionals in the claims for the advancement of universalization of basic sanitation.

Dr Zilda Arns was one of the victims of the earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12, 2010. She gave a lecture to religious leaders moments before the first earthquake hit the country's capital. The sanitary doctor marked her history for her struggle to reduce infant mortality in Brazil and many other humanitarian causes in Brazil and other countries.



(11) 3021-3143