Since 2007 the Instituto Trata Brasil works to raise awareness to mobilize support for the sanitation agenda in Brazil. During all our history, we are working on events, social projects, studies, and several actions to raise awareness.
A glimpse of our history:
The study “Sanitation and Health” was published with the Professor Marcelo Néri (FGV/RJ).
It was developed the brand “Trata Brasil”, and also first contacts with the press.
It was released a study “Sanitation, Health and the Consumer´s Pocket” with the Professor Marcelo Néri (FGV/RJ).
Medical doctors accepted to be the Goodwill Ambassadors, such as Dra. Zilda Arns, Dr. Artur Timerman e Dr. Anthony Wong
It was released a study with IBOPE (Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics)
First social project – Vila Dique, Porto Alegre – Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
First release of the Sanitation Ranking
First release of the study “De Olho no Pac” (an analyze of the first years from the Federal Government Infrastructure Plan with a focus on sanitation)
Study about “Water-borne diseases and the lack of sanitation” with Prof. Dr. Denise Kronemberger
Development of the first Trata Brasil’s Newsletter in partnership with the Child’s Pastoral
Roundtables about the sanitation challenges in the host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup – in Rio, São Paulo, Recife, and Salvador
Second social project named “Water and Citizenship” – Paranagua – Parana, Brazil
Release of the research “Economics Benefits of Sanitation Expansion” – partnership FGV (Getulio Vargas Foundation)
Supporting the release of the book “Rivers of São Paulo – Past and Future” – by the journalist Carlos Tramontina
“Walk for the Water” – a campaign in partnership with Editora Abril
Roundtables with Brazilian Association of Members of the Public Ministry for the Environment (ABRAMPA) and Brazilian Association of State Sanitation Utility (AESBE)
Third social project – Vila Tanquinho – São Paulo, Brasil
Award “Make Difference – Newspapers O GLOBO”
Partipation in Rio +20 debating the sanitation and sustainability scene
Contribution in LIDE (Business Leaders Group) events: Manaus (Amazonas) and Foz do Iguaçu (Paraná)
Partnership with WWF for the protection program for the headwaters of the Pantanal
First research about water losses – supported by Universidade de São Paulo (USP)/ Foundation for Research and Development in Administration, Accounting and Economics (Fundace)
Contribution in writing the “The Cairiri Letter” – a collaboration with Ceará State Government, Public Attorney, Cagece (Water and Sanitation State Owned Company), and the Universidade do Ceará
Trata Brasil organized a national gathering with environmental NGOs and institutions to a special meeting with Catarina de Albuquerque, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation.
Building toilets for public schools in the Brazil semi-arid with UNICEF and Unilever
The release of the research “Economics Benefits of Sanitation Expansion for the society surroundings of the Guanabara Bay”
Signing of a cooperation agreement with the Bar Association (Sanitation department)
First research about the sanitation in irregular occupations in Brazil
First research about the disuse of sewage networks – partnership with Sabesp
Signing of a cooperation agreement with Museu do Amanhã, in Rio
Co-creator of the Fraternity Campaign with the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) with sanitation as the main topic
Partnership with the most influential Brazilian cartoonist, Mauricio de Sousa – with a special comic book about the rational use of water and sanitation – a partnership with Sabesp and CNBB
A study named “Sanitation and the 2016 Municipal Elections”
Signing of a cooperation agreement with Japan International Cooperation Agency
Development and release of the documentary “The Basic that saves lives” in celebration of Trata Brasil’s ten years
The first project named “Água na Escola” (Water in Schools), in partnership with the Goodwill ambassador and former professional gymnast, Daiane dos Santos
Release of the research “Economics Benefits and Socials from the expansion of the sanitation in Brazil” with a special presentation at Office's Chief of Staff of the Presidency of the Republic
First participation at “Global Action” in partnership with the Globo Network and Industry Social Service (SESI)
Release of the research “Access to water in the North and Northeast of Brazil: challenges and perspectives” in partnership with the Instituto Coca Cola
Release of the research “The sanitation and life of Brazilian women” in partnership with BRK Ambiental
A special book about the sanitation in Brazil for Governors candidates
Partnership with City Hall of Mogi das Cruzes and development of the "Mogi+Água" project
A cartoon exhibition about sanitation in Sao Paulo metro station for one month in 2019 and 2020
An interactive exhibition (photos, vídeos, games, and etc.) at Museu da Vida (The Child’s Pastoral) in Curitiba, 2018, with the presence of candidates for Presidency;
Game release “Trata City”
Development and release of PAINEL SANEAMENTO, an online platform with sanitation data from 900 municipalities launched at the Environmental Ministry
The Congress’ corridors were decorated with sanitation statistics to raise awareness among the congressmen and congresswomen about the lack of sanitation in Brazil.
Building the 19th World Toilet Summit in partnership with the World Toilet Organization and Sao Paulo State Government.
Trata Brasil as an NGO reference for sanitation for the debate on the New Sanitation Framework
Development of the Podcast “FALANDO DE SANEAMENTO” (speaking about sanitation)
Development and release of a special comic book HERÓIS DA NATUREZA (Environmental Heroes)
Contribution to hundreds of online seminars
Release of the research “Basic Sanitation and the 2020 Municipal elections”
Partnership with Érico Hiller, a photographer who set up the photo-book titled “Water”