What is Sanitation?

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Basic Sanitation in Brazil is the set of measures that aim to preserve or modify the conditions of the environment in order to prevent diseases and promote health, improve the quality of life of the population and the productivity of the individual, and facilitate economic activity. In the country, basic sanitation is a right guaranteed by the Constitution and defined by the Laws: nº. 11.445/2007, and 14.026/2020, as a set of services, infrastructure and operational facilities for water supply, sanitary sewage, urban cleaning, urban drainage, solid waste and rainwater management.

Although currently the concept of Environmental Sanitation is used in Brazil as the 4 services mentioned above, the most common sanitation is seen as the services of access to drinking water, collection and sewage treatment.

Having basic sanitation is an essential factor for a country to be called a developed country. Treated water services, collection and treatment lead to an improvement in the quality of people's lives, especially in child health, with a reduction in infant mortality, improvements in education, the expansion of tourism, property valuation, worker income, in the depollution of rivers and preservation of water resources, etc.

In 2019, according to the Ministry of Health (DATASUS), more than 273,000 hospitalizations were reported due to waterborne diseases in the country.



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