
Home SanitationMain Statistics Main affected areas
  • The average education of people living in households with full access to sanitation is 9.63 against 7.32 without access to sanitation¹.

  • The average ENEM (National High School Exam) score of candidates with exclusive bathroom in the residence is 546.45¹.

  • The average score on the ENEM (National High School Exam) for applicants without exclusive bathroom in the residence is 491.95¹.

  • On average, girls living in households without bathroom have 1.2 years of school delay less than those living in residences without toilets².

  • 95.7% of elementary schools have a bathroom, either inside or outside the premises³.

  • 97.1% of high schools have a toilet, either on or outside the premises³.

  • 65.8% of elementary schools are supplied with water through public water supply network4..  

  • 89.3% of high schools are supplied with water through public water supply network4.

  • In 2017, those living in houses without access to water and sewage network had 25.1% less education than those living in residences with full access to sanitation5.

  • The lack of a toilet in the house increases by 7.3% the schooling lag of young people5.

Source 1: Painel Saneamento Brasil – Instituto Trata Brasil
Source 2:
Sanitation and the life of Brazilian women 2018 - Trata Brasil Institute
Source 3:
School Census- 2018
Source 4:
School Census- 2017
Source 5:
Economic and Social Benefits of Sanitation Expansion in Brazil 2018 - Instituto Trata Brasil



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